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النشرة الإلكترونية من الشروق أونلاين‎

النشرة البريدية
الشروق أونلاين

الأربعاء 3 ديسمبر 2014 ميلادي الموافق لـ 10 صفر 1436 هجري
تواصل معنا

خلال اجتماع لوزراء السياحة العرب في القاهرة
الشروق أون لاين: محمد. ل
أثار اقتراح الوزير القائم بمهام وزير السياحة العراقي عادل الشرشاب، مطلع الأسبوع الجاري، عقد الدورة المقبلة لوزراء السياحة العرب في رام الله « تضامنا مع الشعب الفلسطيني تحت الاحتلال »، مواجهة كلامية حادة بين وزيرة السياحة نورية…

والد الطفل الذي يلعب بالسكين يكشف
الشروق أون لاين
نفى درويش سادات والد الطفل أيوب الذي ظهر في شريط فيديو بثته قنوات تلفزيونية ومواقع إخبارية وهو يلعب بسلاح أبيض أن يكون هو من حرض ابنه على اللعب بالسكين….

العيداوي يكرر سيناريو بيطام
ح. سمير
فجّر الحكم العيداوي، من الرابطة الجهوية للجزائر لكرة القدم، فضيحة أخرى تعري من جديد واقع التحكيم الجزائري، عندما قام بتوقيف مباراة شباب زموري أمام فريق الحماية المدنية، برسم الجولة الخامسة من بطولة الرابطة الجهوية الوسطى،…

بعد إصدارهم أول مجلة لهم
سفيان. ع
أعلن رئيس حزب الصحوة غير المعتمد، الشيخ عبد الفتاح حمداش زيراوي، إطلاق حملة لمكافحة الشواذ، حيث دعا في بيان له السلطات الجزائرية للتدخل فورا ووقفهم بعد إصدارهم العدد الأول من المجلة الخاصة بهم والتي تشمل…

سمير مخربش
قام ضابط شرطة، الإثنين، بتقمص شخصية رجل أعمال وسحب مبلغا من البنك للإيقاع بالعصابة التي اعتادت على الاستيلاء على أموال مرتادي البنوك بسطيف….

حسين لقرع حسين لڤرع
الحوار.. لا "القزول"
حبيب راشدين حبيب راشدين
أزمة بلد يشتغل بتدوير فكر البعد الواحد
صالح عوض صالح عوض
اسم محمد هو الأول
عبد النور بوخمخم عبد النور بوخمخم
عجز الميزانية أم الضمائر
قادة بن عمار قادة بن عمار
لهذا أحسد التوانسة !
صالح عوض صالح عوض
غزة .. الوحيدة
جميع الحقوق محفوظة
الشروق أونلاين © 2014

from theprofessional


Why You Should Visit An Infrared Sauna

By Ida Dorsey
Being able to relax for quite a while is enough for you to restart your life and relieve you further from the stresses, that life throws at you. There are various ways that you can go about this, and one of the most common method is through vacation. This is primary reason why there are a lot of vacation spots nowadays.

Knowing this, you might already have an idea on how vital relaxation is. There are different ways that you can do to ensure that your body is relaxed. One of this is sauna. There are some other types of this aside from those naturally heated ones. Infrared sauna Long Island is getting popular nowadays and it offers tons of benefits too. If you want to understand what are those, then read further.

Our skin is a part of our body that is visible to everyone. That is why, you have to ensure that it looks good and healthy. Well, lotions can surely do the job and some other products out there that promises to give out the best glowing skin possible. If you think you want to improve it further, then heated baths can surely do the task.

Stress is always there and we cannot evade the truth that it can surely ruin our mood if we have it. This will commonly occur if your mind is confused and you have to no clue on what you need to do about a specific task. To handle stresses, you have to be relax and calm down. Panicking is not the way to go, so you better try a recreational activity that you would surely love.

If you have a family and you do not where to go, then why not relax in a this kind of bath for quite a while. You can talk there like you are just hanging out in a pool. However, the surroundings might be a bit different, but at least you are sure that you are keeping yourself healthy in the process. Also, your kids might also have a problem, so let them hang out too.

The cost might differ depending on the firm that you are in, but most of the time it is not that expensive. Which means, even though you have a tight budget, you can still use it and benefit to the health advantage that it provides later on.

Toxins are harmful and you would not believe that you have a lot of it in your body right now. Keep in mind that every processed food that you eat has a bit of chemicals into it, which means it will be stored in your body for quite awhile. To release that, you need to perspire and drink a lot of water everyday. Heated baths are focused more on perspiring, so you better do that often.

Vitamins, fruits and vegetables are the most common source of healthy minerals that our body needs. We do this to improve our immune system. However, if you are stressed out, your body will not be able to take advantage of it, so relieve yourself first from those stresses.

There are still various things that you can try out aside from this. However, if you think you like the benefits that it provides, then you should better try it out and see for yourself.

About the Author:

from theprofessional


Details On Those Hearing Aids

By Ida Dorsey
If these are the items that you want to know about, then you have just found the right article that will provide you with the information that you need. This is the main reason why you are not allowed to take this source for granted. If you will do that, then you are the only one who is going to regret it.

First of all, you can be confident that you will already be hearing sounds once these items are on your ears. Hearing aids CT have not been given their name for no particular reason. If they cannot aid you to have a better life, then there is a great possibility that they are not the real deal.

Second, you can have a normal conversation over the phone. You will be able to respond to the queries of the person whom you are talking to and that can be a good thing. You will be able to call someone in case you have an emergency and you will not have to disturb your neighbors since you can be as independent as you want to be.

Third, for the first time in your life, you will not mind the noise around you. You will be part of society again and there is nothing more satisfying than that. So, what you have to do right now is find the provider that can be of great assistance to you. That is how you can begin to get this show on the road for your own sake.

Your hearing experience may not be similar to what they call as the normal one but then, what is important here is that you are able to hear something. That is a far improvement from what you have been suffering from the past years. You ought it to yourself to gain back some of the things that you have lost.

If you really want the best for yourself, then you will just have to get the most advanced aid out there. It does not matter if you it will take you a long time to land on the option which fits all of your specifications. What is essential here is that you will be spending your money on something that works.

As for the necessary adjustment period, it will just take you a couple of months and you are good to go. You will start to feel that you do not have anything on your ear at all. That will allow you to do things without any restrictions.

If a certain doctor is looking after you, then get the opinion of this person on the best option that you have for an aid. However, take note that you are still who is going to make the final decision at the end of the day. Stay on top of the game as much as possible.

Overall, you would just need to have more faith on these things in Trumbull, CT. They have the best aids in there. You have to believe that.

About the Author:

from theprofessional


النشرة الإلكترونية من الشروق أونلاين‎

النشرة البريدية
الشروق أونلاين

الثلاثاء 2 ديسمبر 2014 ميلادي الموافق لـ 9 صفر 1436 هجري
تواصل معنا

الشروق الرياضي- علي. ب
أقصي اللاعبون الجزائريون من سباق الترشح لنيل جائزة أفضل كروي إفريقي لعام 2014، بعد أن قلّصت « الكاف » القائمة إلى 5 متنافسين….

النائب العام يباشر البحث عن صاحب التسجيل
الشروق أونلاين: محمد لهوازي
أمر وزير العدل حافظ الأختام، الطيب لوح، النيابة العامة المختصة بفتح تحقيقات حول وقائع شريط فيديو نشر على موقع « يوتيوب » يظهر فيه شخص يحمل سكينا أمام طفل قاصر وهو يحثه بالقوة على استعمال السلاح الأبيض….

عمر بتروني يكشف للشروق عن وجهه الآخر:
حاوره: نبيل.ب
يكشف النجم عمر بتروني عن وجهه الآخر للشروق، حيث تحدث لأول مرة عن أمور خاصة بعائلته الصغيرة، بداية بكيفية تعرفه على شريكة حياته، إضافة إلى علاقته بالراحل هواري بومدين، وفريقه المولودية العاصمية التي عاش فيها…

تفرغ للدعوة لله وهجر الغناء
وردة بوجملين
اعتزل هرم الأغنية المغربية الفنان بلخياط الساحة الفنية بعد مسيرة فنية حافلة نجح فيها صاحب رائعة « يا بنت الناس » في أسر الجماهير في المغرب العربي وحتى في العالم العربي، بعد أن قرر التوبة والتفرغ للدعوة….

الحماية تـُنقذ عالقين والجيش يتدخل لإجلاء متضرّرين
أحمد عليوة / المراسلون
أحدثت الاضطرابات الجوية التي تشهدها عديد الولايات، فيضانات للأودية وانهيار جسور وجدران منازل، خاصة ببشار والنعامة، ما استدعى تدخل الجيش الوطني لمساعدة السكان المتضررين، كما سجل سقوط أشجار بفعل قوة الرياح التي وصلت سرعتها 110…

صالح عوض صالح عوض
غزة .. الوحيدة
سليم قلالة سليم قلالة
عجزٌ أمام المستقبل
علاء صادق علاء صادق
ميسي وبيبسي رونالدو وكوكا كولا
جمال لعلامي جمال لعلامي
تسمين الحڤرة!
رشيد ولد بوسيافة رشيد ولد بوسيافة
المسكّنات لا تعالج السّرطان
الهادي الحسني محمّد الهادي الحسني
البراطيل تنصر الأباطيل
جميع الحقوق محفوظة
الشروق أونلاين © 2014

from theprofessional


Health & 3 Perks Of Miracle Fruit Tablets

By Rebecca Mills
If you’re a health-conscious person, it goes without saying that you will be extremely careful about the foods you consume. You may find yourself taking in more vitamin-rich products than those around you, which means that you’ll be able to get everything you need to sustain life and then some. However, maybe you have heard of miracle fruit tablets. If you’re curious as to how these can benefit your health, focus on these 3 talking points.

If you want to know how miracle fruit tablets come into effect, just know that they can make a number of food sweeter. This speaks volumes, especially when given the fact that many good-tasting foods may not be the best for you. Cookies and cakes, while tasty, are not exactly the healthiest, which is why products linked to companies like MiraBurst may prove useful. In order to receive a satisfying taste without added calories, these tablets can do the job nicely.

It’s also possible that these tablets can add flavor to foods you probably wouldn’t expect. It goes without saying that tablets like these can be integrated into salad, especially for those dishes which contain strong vinegar that one’s taste buds may not be able to handle. What about these tablets as they relate to other types of fruit? Lemons and limes are probably the most recognizable, as far as this topic is concerned, since their bitter flavors can theoretically be made sweeter.

If you are a concerned parent, with children who cannot get enough of sweets, it wouldn’t be out of the question to use miracle fruit tablets. The reason for this is because, as stated earlier, they aren’t loaded with calories. As a result, they serve as sweeteners which do not house much in the way of cholesterol or even sugar, which is surprising in and of itself. Essentially, these tablets are not only able to alter tastes, for short degrees of time, but they are entirely safe to use.

As you can see, there are many reasons why miracle fruit tablets should be utilized. Those who are particularly health-conscious are going to be the ones who find themselves investing in good food the most. However, does this necessarily mean that they should forgo sweets altogether? There are other ways to ensure that these tastes are brought to the forefront and it’s clear that these particular tablets can provide the solution for that particular desire.

About the Author:

from theprofessional


How Best To Find An Energy Healing Service Provider

By Ida Dorsey
Sickness is rampant nowadays. That is because people are faced with so many kinds of stress. There are stress from work, from family, from your relationship and other pressures in society. Most people are juggling more responsibilities. It is not a surprise that at the end of the day, these people find themselves very tired.

It is natural for them to yearn to relax but even that is an elusive opportunity. It is very important to make sure that you are dealing with a genuine one. So many people out there are posing as professionals. Check the portfolio of the healer to ensure that he is genuine in energy healing Los Angeles. He must have the proper education, training and experienced.

Call the establishment and check with the person who picks up your call if there are many people waiting inside. You can also ask during the phone conversation for the prices of these services. You should at least have an idea of the range of prices of the establishment. Check out other spa establishments.

Do the same by checking out what their services are and their prices. Do a comparison with all the establishments that you find. Make sure to be on time for the appointment or else your slot will be given to someone else. Get a telephone book to look for prospective spas in the area. The choice of establishment depends on your starting point.

Choose an establishment that is close both to your home and office. This is so that if you are at either point, it will not take you a long time to get to the spa. If your starting point is from your work office, then it will not be difficult for you to go to the spa. Also when you come from your home, there is also no problem in going to the spa.

You need to talk to your healer. If you are not familiar with the service, then you can set this appointment for the orientation. He can describe to you sufficiently what constitutes the service and how much. Some companies do not disclose their pricing in their website. You can inquire about prices of the service. You would like to know how much this particular service would cost.

Learn about the different services provided by the establishments. These services are adequately described in the website of the establishment. The website can be used also to get in touch with the establishment. You can use the email address of the healer or the telephone number of its office in contacting them.

They cannot recommend the right service if they do not know a thing about your needs. The customer should be informed of the total cost of the service. Get quotes from various offices. Know that each healer has different levels of service. They do not provide the same level of service. It is up to you to discover which healer is the best out there.

If they did not have a good one with the establishment, you would learn why and which establishment they were referring to. You can also find feedback on the internet. Get quotes from various establishments. This enables you to know the prices of other establishments. Inquire payment options. Check if the establishment has a website. They might have an experience with service.

About the Author:

from theprofessional


النشرة الإلكترونية من الشروق أونلاين‎

النشرة البريدية
الشروق أونلاين

الإثنين 1 ديسمبر 2014 ميلادي الموافق لـ 8 صفر 1436 هجري
تواصل معنا

الأب اتهم جمعية "شذوذ مغاربية" باختطافهم
دريد بلقاسم
عادت أول أمس، عائلة بركان المقيمة منذ حوالي 15 سنة بالعاصمة السويدية ستوكهولم، إلى أرض الوطن من دون أبنائها الثلاثة، الذين تم تعرضهم حسب رواية والدهم خير الدين إلى عملية اختطاف، تحت مظلة…

وزارة السكن تحصي السكنات الاجتماعية الشاغرة
الشروق أون لاين: محمد لهوازي
أعلن وزير السكن والعمران والمدينة، عبد المجيد تبون، السبت، عن الشروع مؤخرا في عملية إحصاء لعدد السكنات الاجتماعية الشاغرة عبر التراب الوطني….

الآجال انتهت أمس والمديريات في مأزق
نشيدة قوادري
كشفت النقابة الوطنية لعمال التربية، أن عمليتي الترقية والإدماج لم تستكملا لحد الساعة، رغم أن الآجال القانونية التي حددتها وزارة التربية الوطنية، قد انتهت أمس، بحيث بلغت نسبة التسوية النهائية لملفات المستفيدين 50 بالمائة فقط،…

ق. د
قال اللواء خليفة حفتر، الذي يقود ميليشياتٍ ليبية تقاتل في شرق ليبيا تحت مسمى « عملية الكرامة » بالتعاون مع برلمان طبرق المُحلّ بقوة القانون، أنه لا يمانع في « التعاون مع إسرائيل وتلقي الدعم بمختلف صوره منها »….

سرعته تفوق 220 كلم/سا وينطلق قريبا
راضية مرباح
تحضر وزارة النقل لإطلاق أول قطار فائق السرعة المعروف بـ »تي جي في »، خلال السنوات القليلة المقبلة، ليكون الأول من نوعه على مستوى التراب الوطني، حيث أعطت الأولوية لخطين بالجنوب الجزائري، أولهما سيربط مشرية بالبيض والثاني…

رشيد ولد بوسيافة رشيد ولد بوسيافة
المسكّنات لا تعالج السّرطان
الهادي الحسني محمّد الهادي الحسني
البراطيل تنصر الأباطيل
صالح عوض صالح عوض
دولة أم معركة فلسطينية؟
جمال لعلامي جمال لعلامي
التكسار يهزم الحوار!
عبد الناصر عبد الناصر
"فقير" في بلاد الأثرياء؟
حفيظ دراجي حفيظ دراجي
سنظل نعيش على الدعوات!
جميع الحقوق محفوظة
الشروق أونلاين © 2014

from theprofessional


النشرة الإلكترونية من الشروق أونلاين‎

النشرة البريدية
الشروق أونلاين

الأحد 30 نوفمبر 2014 ميلادي الموافق لـ 7 صفر 1436 هجري
تواصل معنا

المدير العام لمؤسسة تطوير صناعة السيارات العقيد إسماعيل كريكرو لـ "الشروق":
مبعوثة الشروق إلى تيارت: نوارة باشوش
شدد المدير العام لمؤسسة تطوير صناعة السيارات ورئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة الجزائرية لصناعة العربات علامة مرسيدس « بنز » العقيد إسماعيل كريكرو، في حوار مقتضب مع « الشروق »، أن وزارة الدفاع الوطني من خلال مصنع سيارات مرسيدس « بنز »،…


الشروق أون لاين: محمد لهوازي
أعلن وزير الداخلية والجماعات المحلية، السبت، عن حزمة من الإجراءات الاستعجالية بخصوص الأحداث التي شهدتها دائرة تقرت بولاية ورقلة مساء الجمعة، بعد لقائه بالأعيان….

سوء التسيير وتجميد توزيع أراضي البناء أشعلا شرارة الغضب
س. ع / حكيم.ع / محسن . ص / سالم. ب / ع ز العابدين
ساد أمس، هدوء حذر بتڤرت في ولاية ورڤلة، بعد ليلة دامية سقط خلالها قتيلان وعشرات الجرحى، في مواجهات دامية بين الشرطة ومحتجين، أطلقت شرارتها فعاليات احتجاجية، ذات خلفية تنموية قبل أن تتطور الأمور وتأخذ منحى…

بغية الاستنساخ من تجربة‮ "‬الخضر‮" ‬في‮ ‬السنوات الأخيرة
دريس‮. ‬س
كشف رئيس الاتحاد المصري‮ ‬لكرة القدم،‮ ‬جمال علام،‮ ‬عن نيته في‮ ‬مطالبة رجال الأعمال المصريين بالمساهمة في‮ ‬راتب المدرب المقبل للمنتخب المحلي،‮ ‬والذي‮ ‬رجح أن‮ ‬يكون البوسني‮ ‬وحيد خاليلوزيتش،‮ ‬الذي‮ ‬سبق له قيادة المنتخب الوطني‮…

عبد الناصر عبد الناصر
"فقير" في بلاد الأثرياء؟
حفيظ دراجي حفيظ دراجي
سنظل نعيش على الدعوات!
صالح عوض صالح عوض
نتنياهو: كونوا كالعرب
جمال لعلامي جمال لعلامي
سارق البصل!
عمار يزلي عمار يزلي
بلادة بلديات البلد
حسين لقرع حسين لڤرع
الأمازيغية… الترسيم القاتل
جميع الحقوق محفوظة
الشروق أونلاين © 2014

from theprofessional


The Causes Of Navicular Pain

By Ida Dorsey
Navicular syndrome is possibly the most common cause of font limb lameness in horses today. This lameness is caused by navicular pain and it usually limits the performance of the affected horse. The main cause of this syndrome is hard to prove because it is not easy to pinpoint the source of this pain. In the past years, the cases of true navicular illness have reduced but most veterinarians categorize this as every pain in the front limbs.

The navicular region is an area around the hooves of their anterior limbs. This area may sometimes be affected by an infection that causes irritation and therefore lameness which reduces their performance. This is however not a terminal illness and cannot disable a horse completely. It is just a syndrome that can easily be prevented or treated.

There are various other reasons why horses may be lame hence there are some specific tests that help to determine if navicular syndrome is responsible for the pain. There are some physical tests that must be done in addition to the radiographic ones so that the illness is not mistaken for another.

In order to know if a horse is experiencing lameness, its owner will realize that it stumbles when moving and also lands in a weird way that puts more pressure on the hind legs. When this has been noticed, there are various physical tests that must be carried out. For example, hoof testers can be used to examine the animal and check out its reaction to infliction. The size of hooves can also tell if the animal is affected because the front ones are likely to be smaller because of the less pressure usually exerted on them.

Anesthesia may also be the perfect medicine used to verify if a stallion has this infection. Once the anesthesia is injected on the legs, they will become emotionless and the stallion will not be able to feel anything. This implies that they will not act weirdly since they are not troubled anymore. This can be proof that pain is possibly the main reason behind their unusual behavior.

After the infection has been correctly detected, immediate medical actions should be taken. Correct shooing is the best thing to do. The caregiver should make certain that the shoe is balanced on all sides of the hooves and that all sides have equal pressure. Later some medications can be given to the stallion to ease their pain.

After the medication has been given, various physical tests can be done on the horse to help increase the blood flow of the front limbs. Better blood flow will help the horse to have better balance that will exert the same pressure on all limbs. These exercises should be done an hour every day of the week.

Not all horses respond to treatments the same way. Some of them may even resist all the ones mentioned above and in such a case, other options should be considered. For example, the horse can undergo a surgical procedure that will help remove the unwanted ligaments that are the main cause of the nuisance.

About the Author:

from theprofessional


Somme Ideas When Seeing A Sinus Doctor Trumbull

By Ida Dorsey
The right time to visit a doctor is the moment you see the signs for the kind of illness you are having. That said you should know the signs which you should look for in order to make a timely visit to Sinus doctor Trumbull, CT. Sinusitis do cause a lot of pain and discomfort to you but they have some signs which give you a clear indication it is time to visit a specialist for treatment.

Sinusitis can either be acute or chronic with the difference being the length each stays. The acute one doesn’t last long and can either be as a result of a cold or an allergy but the chronic one will persist for more than two months. The symptoms for both are similar so once you get them you just visit the right physician for treatment.

As you probably know, the first symptom of sinusitis is constant pain. This pain happens because the infection causes pressure to your sinus, which in turn raises it, causing severe swelling and inflammation. This happens almost as soon as a nasal infection sets it, so talk to your doctor as soon as you feel this symptom.

An infection in the nasal passage will cause you to have difficulties breathing normally, unless you see a specialist to handle the problem professionally for you. As we mentioned before, swelling and inflammation accompany a nasal infection, so this will cause the passage smaller, reducing the amount of air that flows through. During the time the infection lasts, it is quite common that the sense of smell and taste disappear. Don’t worry, once your infection is cured, they will come back in no time.

A headache is one of the first signs of a nasal infection. It is also the most common one. It is one of the forms your body tells you that you have an infection. Since an inflammation causes stress on your body, a headache is the fastest way your body has of telling you that you have an infection.

Another sign of a nasal infection is a constant nasal discharge, which you will see causes sever coughing. As soon as this occurs, please see a specialist regarding it. A cough that is caused by sinus infections worsens tremendously at nights and will last for a long time, even after the actual infection is controlled.

Another clear sign of nasal infection is a sore throat. Because the nasal discharge drips through your throat, which in turn makes you cough, it is very common to have a sore throat. This is another reason why you should see a doctor, since sore throats caused by infections or health problems in the nasal passage normally last a few weeks.

If any of these signs are present, then you should see a sinus doctor in Trumbull, CT. This will help you control your infection, and will decrease your pain immediately. Do not wait until this health issue becomes a chronic sinusitis, which will in turn make relief take even longer. See a doctor who is specialist in this area today!

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